Kazimierz Pawłowicz


Portrait Kazimierz Pawłowicz 1926
Kazimierz Pawłowicz, 1926

Kazimierz Pawłowicz was born in Kalisz, Poland in 1871 and died in Warsaw on June 16th 1927. 

He was a ceramic engineer in the brick-making and construction business, who made his fortune building/managing brick factories in Russia and Japan and later developing housing estates in Poland.

Family Background

His parents were Edward Pawłowicz, born in Żmudź /Samogitia  (1837-1895), and Marja Szaniawska (1840-1905).

He had 3 brothers: Jan Pawłowicz, Józef Pawłowicz and Edward Pawłowicz Junior and 5 sisters: Jadwiga, Marja, Aniela, Zofia and Wanda.

Although most of his family stayed in Lithuania, he chose to move to Poland quite young. He did his engineering studies at the renowned Jagiellonian University in Kraków and then moved to Warsaw, where he married Helena Bożeniec- Jełowicka h. Brama in 1895.  Both his children, Krystyna and Bohdan, were born in Warsaw.

Kazimierz Pawłowicz's family
Kazimierz Pawłowicz’s family

From 1901 to 1902,  the family moved to Dąbrowa Górnicza and in 1902 to Korwinów, where he was appointed director of the “Korwinów” brick factory near Częstochowa.  Some memories of this period are recounted by his son, Bohdan, in the article “Wspomnienia z dzieciństwa” (Memories of Childhood). We learn that he was a member of the PPS , a newly founded party, mostly oriented at that time towards Polish independence. In 1909 he returned to Warsaw, where he established his own technical consulting office on Kanonia 14, which became also the family residence as from 1913 and remained in the Pawłowicz family until 1944, when it was completely destroyed during the bombing of Warsaw by the Nazis.


City Garden Czerniaków (Miasto-Ogród Czerniaków) 

Pawlowicz's house in Czerniaków
House at Goraszewska 8, Czerniaków

Kazimierz Pawłowicz was a member of the board of directors of the Czerniakow Garden City Parcel Company and was considered one of the creators of the Czerniaków Garden City, a villa estate in Warsaw, now better known as old Sadyba.1 He commissioned the document for the company that parceled the local land for development, signed on November 26, 1921.  Kazimierz contributed not only with his expertise in transforming a general business idea into a viable settlement but also facilitated the provision of a water and sewage system through his connections. His acquaintance with the director of the city’s waterworks, Edward Szenfeld, who owned a plot of land across the street at Goraszewska 7, enabled this development.

In 1924 Kazimierz built his own house at Goraszewska 8 on a 1,300 sq meter plot and the family moved in in 1925. Unfortunately, the Pawlowicz’s family house was the only one from the whole estate to be looted and set on fire by the Germans in October 1944,  after the Warsaw Uprising, during World War II. Today Today, this large plot of land on which it stood, is called Skwer Starszych Panów (Elderly Gentlemen’s Square), a public green space, bordered by Goraszewska, Jodłowa, Zakręt, and Kąkolewska Streets.

House at Jastrzębia Góra, 1926
Kazimierz and Leszek, 1926

Hawk Mountain (Jastrzębia Góra)

Willa Pawłowicz was one of the first houses on Jastrzębia Góra, a well-known seaside resort on the Polish Baltic Coast.  It was designed and built by Kazimierz Pawłowicz  between 1921-1922. The family would spend the summer holidays there until the war, when it was abandoned and occupied by gipsy families. It has now been renovated.

View from Jastrzębia Góra – today’s intersection of Rozewska and Promenada Światowid. Houses in the foreground: “Kaszubka” (on the left) and Kazimierz Pawłowicz’s villa (now renovated after a fire in 2005). 


Kazimierz Pawłowicz wrote two books:



  • Family Photo Albums
  • Family Documents


  1. https://www.miasto-ogrod-sadyba.pl/miejsce/architektura/miasto-ogrod/szczegoly/projekt-aspekty-urbanistyczne-253 ↩︎